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Community Partners

Being a small business owner, I believe it is my obligation to give back to the community that supports us. No business stands alone.

It needs a community.

- Robyn Lindsey, Owner of BluEgg Photography

Celebrate Birthdays is a non-profit organization on a mission to ensure that every children, regardless of personal or financial circumstances, has the opportunity to celebrate their Birthday and receive a present! BluEgg Photography has donated gifts for these children, because we believe that every child should be able to celebrate their birthday and know that they are loved. Find out how you can get involved in supporting this organization HERE.

The Pasco Junior Woman's Club (PJWC), is a civic organization for women committed to promoting volunteerism, improving our community and fostering new friendships. The PJWC was formed in January 2011 by our Founding Charter President Angie Carter and is part of The Florida State Federation of Women's Clubs of GFWC-Junior Membership. Currently the Pasco Junior Woman's Club is made of  energetic, dynamic women who are dedicated to making a difference. These women work on various projects and fundraisers throughout the year with the goal of contributing to the community in a significant way. Find out how you can get involved in supporting this organization HERE.

Kiddy Up Ranch is a local organization that specializes in therapeutic riding using equine-assisted activities for the purpose of contributing positively to cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being of people with disabilities. Riders compete at local area shows and in Special Olymipics Equestrian Events. The ranch also practices the Horse Boy Method of Equine Therapy for those with Autism, ADD, ADHD, anxiety, PTSD, depression and most other neuro-sensory diagnosis. Find out how you can get involved in supporting this organization HERE.

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 Serving the Greater Tampa Bay Area


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